Company Bankruptcy Restructuring

Devoted Enterprises and its DBA companies are often retained to assist in restructuring the corporate and financial make-up and balance sheet of a company due to impending Chapter 11 Bankruptcy or other financial hardships.   This process may include raising additional capital through third parties or securing workouts with lenders and creditors. The goal of restructuring [...]

Company Bankruptcy Restructuring2020-04-17T00:56:07+00:00

Does Your Business Have Underlying Issues?

Have you ever wondered why auto repair shops do a free 32-point vehicle inspection?  We have worked with several of these shops over the years and there are several reasons that they do this.   I want to share with you my favorite stories from one of them, and how that shaped how we do business [...]

Does Your Business Have Underlying Issues?2019-04-03T00:03:23+00:00

Going Out Of Business

  Once again there are more store closings being reported in the national media as well as regular reports of mega companies like Toy r Us going bankrupt and closing their doors.    Sadly, as business consultants, we see this far more frequently than most people do.  We have also discovered what is the most [...]

Going Out Of Business2019-03-02T00:12:32+00:00

What Our Clients Love About Us

They Love Their Return On Investment We are a global consulting firm that works locally and all over the world and we have found that every Client is different but yet share so many similarities regardless of the industry they are in and whether they are single unit or large chains etc.  And still our Consulting [...]

What Our Clients Love About Us2020-10-12T14:11:46+00:00

Best Tampa Bay Area Business Consultants

Devoted Enterprises Inc. is an organization of consulting firms founded by Vernon Stading with offices in Minneapolis, MN and Tampa, FL.  We work with everything from non-profits, startups, and small to large companies and we have a passion in helping businesses identify areas in their operation where they may be missing opportunities for growth or more profit. We [...]

Best Tampa Bay Area Business Consultants2019-02-07T16:37:25+00:00

Do Leaders Affect Your Business Culture

A positive organizational culture is crucial to an organization’s success. Organizational culture is shaped by many factors, leadership chief among them. The values, vision and goals of your organization come from the top down. Management’s actions can encourage a quality culture that keeps employees happy, attracts new talent and builds an excellent job environment. Likewise, leaders may [...]

Do Leaders Affect Your Business Culture2020-10-12T14:09:19+00:00
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