Good to Great, Great to Epic

From Good to Great- You will Love the ROI! Because our process and Consulting is so different than anything else out there, people have a hard time understand all the things that we include in the Business Accelerator™ Program so we want to outline that here!  Here is a list (not all inclusive) of what you [...]

Good to Great, Great to Epic2025-01-28T16:29:49+00:00

You Control Your Success

Choose Your Level of Success Your business success depends on YOU! The good news is that for as little as $199 a month you can get professional support and guidance that will set you apart from your competition and help you avoid the pitfalls other owns fall into.  The Future is bright with us [...]

You Control Your Success2024-12-17T23:56:45+00:00

Non Traditional Financing

In this uncertain economy and the world of wild banking issues, regulations, and closures, it is more and more necessary to have someone that can help fund your business or your improvements without SBA or other bank options.  It gives you better options and way more flexibility in your business and is the way [...]

Non Traditional Financing2023-12-18T22:42:00+00:00

Difference Between A Business Consultant and a Coach

Business Consultant vs. Business Coach We are often asked "what is the difference between a business coach and business consultant"?   As it relates us to, we are normally asked this by someone who has hired a business coach and had mixed results.  In our opinion, being  a business consulting firm, here is what you [...]

Difference Between A Business Consultant and a Coach2023-07-14T21:20:55+00:00

Business Consulting Services

At Devoted Enterprises we pride ourselves in being the best business consulting firm in America and providing the best business consulting services that provide the best ROI possible.  Most of these service are included in our Service packages but can also be purchased separately! Business Consulting Services       Change Management- We specialize in Change Management and [...]

Business Consulting Services2020-04-17T00:50:53+00:00

Your Business Is Paying Too Much Taxes

At Devoted Enterprises we are always interested in helping make our clients more money.  Becasue of that, included in every single one of our service packages is an analysis of your taxes and 100% of the time we have found that your business, regardless of how great and amazing your CPA is, paid way too [...]

Your Business Is Paying Too Much Taxes2019-11-12T04:16:31+00:00

Why Business Consulting From Devoted Enterprises?

We get asked all the time, “why would I (as a business owner) need your help.”  That Question could come with a very lengthy response, but we will sum it up on one sentence. We offer tons of business consulting services for free and we desire for you to never have to hire us again. [...]

Why Business Consulting From Devoted Enterprises?2019-08-26T20:44:58+00:00

Change Management Consulting

As in any change management situation, ownership and leadership first needs to decide that they do need to change, and then what that change looks like.   This often is a very difficult decision to come to on your own. That is why we offer free initial consultation in this area. If you would like to [...]

Change Management Consulting2020-03-18T19:10:17+00:00

Why You Need A Business Health Check™

How Much More Should You Be Making? Our experience shows us that every business in the world is leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table in each one of their locations every single year.  We know this to be true because we see it every single day and the good news is that [...]

Why You Need A Business Health Check™2018-11-01T17:04:31+00:00
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