As part of our new for 2024 services, we want to write a bit of detail about each and every service or product we are now offering that we have not in the past.  The first one that we would like to highlight is the one we are the most excited about and that is the Flex Method or wealth management and tax savings!

What is the Flex (Pension) Method?

The Flex (Pension) Method- In the past, companies offered their people pensions and retirement plans and those do not exists anymore in most businesses…..unless you know us!    This is the newest wealth accelerator and most exciting tax/wealth management program that has been created since the invention of the mutual fund in your grandpa’s era! For the cost of one normal end of year bonus, you can ensure that your key staff and team members will get thousands of tax free dollars each year as a retirement payment at retirement age along with massive death benefits payouts!  This is what the billionaires use and is a combination of cash value life insurance programs and century old business banking techniques!  The best part is it adds value to your business, is tax deductible and multiplies over time with no need to ever monitor the stock market or mutual funds! .  If you are a business owner, you have to find out more here today.

Check out the rest of the new services that we added in 2024 here