If anyone knows me, they know that I offer many “Vernisms” and that this is one of the favorite quotes that I have used over the years (along with “it is what it is”).  I use it because most people who want and expect change actually do very little about making that change happen. We can attest to this with the vast majority of clients that we help.  Most of our clients are facing situations where some significant changes need to be made for their own good or to survive and it still takes them 9-12 months to decide to actually make those changes. We can even hand then a detailed plan and it will sit on the desk collecting dust.   Waiting is detrimental to your success and is actually far more harmful that at least doing something even if it is the wrong thing.  How much better would you be today if you acted and changed 9-12 months ago?

So, if “Waiting is not Passivity”, then why did I tell you to W.A.I.T. if you want success? Since we do a lot of change management and help business owners succeed, we have come up with 4 clear and concise directions on how to make meaningful changes in your business and to make it grow.  We want to share those with you now so that the wait can be over for you.

4 Things to Make Your Business more Successful

rite things down.  This is the first thing we recommend because in life and in business, we encounter learning experiences that should teach us lessons and far too often we ignore them.  In fact, most businesses we work with have done the same things over and over again and continue to make the same mistakes.  Whether it is hiring the wrong employees, or the leading the same way, or making key decisions that go wrong, you are not destined to make the wrong decisions over and over again.  We suggest that each time you have a key learning experience, whether good or bad, that you Write it down and never forget it.  This prevents future mistakes!  If you don’t remember past experiences and how painful they are, you will be destined to repeat  them.

dmit that you cannot solve all problems on your own.  This is the hardest one as a entrepreneur because pride gets in the way.   A far too  common mistake by entrepreneurs is that they think they can do all things on their own or that they “have to” do all things.  Prioritize and figure out what things you can do and what you need to outsource or hire for.  And in this area do not be afraid to hire professionals to help you decide on these factors.  Our clients that contact us and need help typically wait 9 months or longer to hire us as they try and decide what to do or to implement some of the tip we give them.  In that time frame they almost always end up in worse shape than if they would have just brought us in 9 months before.  Get the support you need and Admit that you cannot do everything yourself.

mitate those that are already successful.  This is one thing that many business owners try to do, but get wrong.  Before imitating someone that you think is successful, make sure that they are the real deal.  Anyone can fake it, and too many times I see business owners ask other business owners for success tips or advice only to find that the one they got advice from or imitated is a worse business operator than they are!  We advise you to seek out those that are truly successful and choose wisely who you imitate. This will help you ensure that you only Imitate good behaviors and not the mistakes of others.

T ake Action.  As I state above, “Waiting is not passivity”.  When what you are doing is not working, it is time try something new instead of doing the same thing over and over again, or worse yet, nothing.  The act of doing something, anything, will get you to at least move forward and if you couple that with solid professional advice or direction, how can you fail?


If you want to learn more about how you can put WAIT to work for you and your business, please contact us or call us directly at 952-582-4669.