“If you are a business coach or consultant and aren’t making $20,000 + regularly  each month, it’s because your business model probably lacks key components to be successful.  I made every mistake in the book 16 years ago when I began my consulting business and wasted a ton of time and money on things that didn’t work.   I can save you that pain and loss of money by sharing what I know that actually works even if you have little or no experience and yes even in a recession.  Other “competitors” will tell you they can guarantee you “tons of high-ticket clients each month” but have they ever done it themselves?  Each time I’ve encountered someone offering this, the answer was no.  You need a proven business model that you can own yourself with little or no money down options!”

Vernon Stading

Solid Foundation and Model

As a business coach or consultant, you can have the most experience and the best business results ever in your career and still not get people to hire you for your expertise.  The reason this is true is that you are failing to make the client see their own pain and that you and your experience offer a wide variety of solutions to solve that pain.  It comes down to sales process and pitching at the right time with the right solutions and if you can get them to realize on their own that they need you, closing deals becomes easy.  You do not need to attend 10,000 networking events. You do not need to spend a fortune on SEO.   You need a proven business model that begins at how to first contact and interact with the client and ends in the closed deal with everything in between.  Our program not only will help train you even if you have no experience, it will help you actually develop and improve the clients business as you use our tools and yours that are proven to work for the client.  You need a solid foundation to build on and one that doesn’t drain your bank account or your precious time with loved ones. So what does that look like for you?

The Process

If you choose to work with and learn from us, Vernon will be your trainer and mentor and will assist you as you build your coaching and consulting business.  The process will be a variety of the following:

  1.  Assessing you current model and what works and doesn’t and then creating a plan for step 2.
  2. Defining what talent you have to help, mentor, coach or develop businesses and their teams an then showcasing that talent.
  3. Creating a Value proposition that we will use to find and attract clients and leads for the future
  4. Define the business model with such things as services, tools, training, marketing (where to find and attract clients), sales process and so much more!
  5. Set the business up with multiple revenue streams so that you are not just depend on one.
  6. Teach you how to bill and how and what to get paid for your services.
  7. Business development so you are able to scale your business as it grows and…
  8. Mentor you along the way when needed with clients and client challenges and continue to help you every step of the way.

If you are serious about being the best coach and consultant that you can be and taking your passion or idea from a hobby to a thriving business, let’s get started.  Regardless of your budget, we can help! Register here for a free no obligation meeting on how we can make you a success!

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