Our Average clients see increase of cash flow and profits of 20-30% and now everyone wants to know how this program works! With Devoted Enterprises  you can get the same tools, benefits and training that the billion-dollar companies use!  So, what are those tools and what is the process?

The Process

Before we ever venture onsite or virtual, we will give out an overview of exactly what we will do once we arrive in your business.  We will also, in advance, find out what key metric tracking you use in your business for both the store level and the employee level.  These forms will be used to give you two things. The first is a starting point pre-consulting (so you can see where you are and measure it versus your success after our visit and we train you), a way to show you dollar for dollar how much your business is leaving on the table.  Next, we will then send you a questionnaire that tells us the history of your business by location and what your team looks like and what their strengths and weaknesses are. We will then plan a final meeting to plan the onsite, virtual or hybrid consulting and how it will look specifically for your company.

What To Expect

We will review all the data that is sent to us, use in person time and interviews to formulate the best plan of action needed to take your business to the next level in the quickest time possible.  You can rest assured that growth will be stable and long term sustainable because it will begin with a step by step plan that you can execute on your own long after we are gone.  You and your team will have all the tools, training and support needed to execute what is sure to be the best change your business has ever made.

Lastly, you will know and understand what the best custom commission/bonus plan looks like, how to properly train your team, and what a pension plan that you can afford is.  All these things will help you lower turnover, keep the best people for long periods of time and allow you to make more money due to way more productivity on your team.  You will learn how massive corporations make actual wealth in their businesses and you can do the same!  You will learn how much money you are overpaying in taxes each year and also how to get a refund on that money for the last 3-5 years!  You will know how to improve your sales cycle and process as well as what specific marketing messages that you need.  You will know if there are any free grants out there for your business and if there are, we will do all the work for you to allow you to get that free money for your business.  And finally, we will work to teach you how to add additional revenue streams to your business model that didn’t exist before.  These are just some of the things that you can expect and there are so many more benefits to this program that you can benefit from.  Schedule your free consultation here or call us anytime at 727-580-5876.