At Devoted Enterprises we believe that giving you the tools you need to be more successful long after we are gone is essential.  That is why every time someone hires us, we give them every single tool that we have ever created or used in business all on one handy thumb drive. Now you can get those same tools without paying to be our clients!  Try the first one for free below!

Owner Tools- Operational 

Business Plan– Whether you need a business plan for a loan, lease, or just want to run the best business that you possible can and plan for the future, we have you covered!  With this template, you will not only get a template that you can use and do yourself, but you will get step by step instructions in the form on how to complete each section on your own!  Consultants charge thousands $$ for these and now you can do it on your own for only $100!

Business Accelerator™ Program DIY (Do It Yourself)

Our Business Accelerator clients see increases of 20-30% in revenue and profit, more work life balance, better training and overall satisfaction and peace of mind in their business that is immeasurable!  Now you can do it yourself and save money while still seeing amazing results!   Download the program today and begin to transform your business at your own pace with our entire process included for you!

Recruiting Plan for Staff and Managers- You will never have to pay for high priced recruiters again!  If you follow this plan perfectly you will be the first option for those seeking new opportunities when it comes to finding the best talent AND retaining it!  New staff will see you and you will have a waiting list for those who want to work for you!

Pitch Deck – If you need to find an investor or a partner, you will need a pitch deck to get their attention so you can sell them on how good you are.  This template not only tells you what needs to be included in your pitch deck, but it explains how to fill it out and gives you examples that are sure to help you snag the investor you need.  Download it today!

Manager Interview Guide– One of the questions we are always asked is “what questions can I ask and should I not ask at interviews” so we came up with this Structured Interview Guide (SIG)years ago.  We have since updated it for the new world that we live in now.  With this interview guide you are sure to ask the right questions that will allow you to flush out unqualified candidates BEFORE you hire them!

Sales Structured Interview Guide (SIG)- If you are hiring and training sales staff, you need this interview guide to help you find the absolute best!  By asking the best questions, you will weed out tons of people who will not perform for you!  That alone can save you $$ thousands by not hiring the wrong people and make $$ thousands more by hiring people who can close more deals!  Download your SIG today!


Manager Performance Reviews are essential to getting the productivity and performance that you desire from your team but sadly too many businesses do not do them or have no process to complete this on a regular basis.  This template will give you what you need to help shape and groom your leaders into better leadership roles and is guaranteed to help your business and your staff productivity to improve.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)- If you have staff, you will eventually have the need to get them to improve.  Often, by giving them a detailed help plan, you can turn them from subpar to super!  This template guide is everything you will need to walk step by step with your team as they improve!  Order yours today $50


Workplace safety Quiz– if you do not have a workplace safety policy or do not quiz your staff on how to keep everyone safe, you are asking for disaster to happen.  This quiz was designed by HR consultants to help educate your team on proper safety and is a must have if you have employees onsite.

Owner Tools- Services

Business Success Review– In the Business world today, mistakes costs business tens of thousands of dollars!  Now because of our success with our Business Health Check™, we can help any sized business achieve the success they deserve for as little as $599! The Business Success Review is a miniature version of our world Class Business Health Check™ and will review and address the most key areas of your business

Don’t see a tool you need, let us know! Contact us or call us directly at 727-580-5876 and let us know what tools you would like to see here!